Thursday, October 6, 2011

UFT ATR Empathy

Disbelief at Qns ATR meeting.
Issue is DOE mis-management. Just wait 'till new mayor. Gee- we've heard this since Giuliani. They must mean Quinn who came out against LIFO.
It's all about how hard the union is working for you. Didn't they defend Lifo? So being moved from school to school every week is cheap price to pay for no layoffs.
Here's an idea to create empathy:
UFT staffers to be moved to different borough every week. Will receive an email on Thursday telling them which office to report to on Monday.
Additional Empathy for HS teachers put in elementary or middle school and Elem put in middle schools.
Pension experts will be given U-rating covers. Grievance experts will handle pensions.


Raking the Muck said...

DR's talk trash leading chapter leaders to believe they support them. They have become the dreggs of the union.

Anonymous said...

Unity/aft is being outsmarted as usual. The eventual danielson framework adoption via opting out of nclb will open the door to the total destruction of the teacher's union. The contract will mean nothing when danielson is implemented and is used as a butchering tool by all of the incompetent principals in the system.

NYC Educator said...

We've heard wait for the new mayor since Koch, since I started teaching, and likely before.