Sunday, October 2, 2011

Walls Street Occupation Redux

I hope the educators out there who have been under attack are making the connections with what is going on with the protests, which are spreading to other cities. Yesterday's arrests reminds me of the scenes in Gary Shteyngart's futuristic (and not too far down the road it seems) novel, "Super, Sad, True, Love Story" about the total disintegration of society in the US where the 1%ers have pretty much everything while the rest are left to camp out in Central Park. Then the day comes when police and army helicopters start shooting and bombing the poor people camping out - not the poor you may be thinking of but the kinds of people occupying Wall St.

Really, how far are we away from that? If protests grow and possibly get out of hand - think a massive move on the streets of the financial district, we will see rubber bullets or worse - could be Egypt, could be Syria. And take a look at Syria where even while people are being shot down in the streets and tortured they keep coming.

How long before the Bloomberg/Obama people start labeling the Wall St. Occupiers "terrorists" and send the leaders - thank goodness they can't identify them though we know the cops have infiltrated - and maybe even try to be provocateurs to insight violence from some elements to discredit the movement. If you study history you know that is basic tactics 1.0.

I know there's a lot of action today and there will be a massive event on Weds. 

I'm really inspired by editing these videos from Friday night's event at Police Plaza. See the previous 3 minute video I posted last night as the Wall St. marchers joined with the smaller rally that started earlier. This video is over 7 minutes and is the next stage of the rally with slogans and short interviews I did with people asking them why they were there. (Use the direct you-tube link below if it plays slowly.) 

Another video coming later tonight of the unique way speeches are passed along without sound equipment - a way of avoiding getting a permit which is required for sound but not marching.

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on right for news bits.


Michael Fiorillo said...

The NYPD is already trying to infiltrate the movement with provacateurs, in my opinion.

I was on the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday afternoon as the marchers were on the roadway. Up on the pedestrian walkway was a big, beefy guy baiting the cops. He successfully got a few younger people to join him, although most in the crown edged away and wanted nothing to do with him.

What can I say? While I have no proof, the vibe that came ringing off this fellow said "cop." Police infiltration of the movement is nothing new, and will continue to be used to undermine and criminalize dissent.

Anonymous said...

The song, "Wont Get Fooled Again" by The Who keeps on ringing through my head!

"We'll be fighting in the streets.
With out children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone.
And the men who spurred us on
sit in judgment of all wrong.
They decide and the shotgun sings the song.

I'll tip my hat to the new consitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me.
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday and I'll get on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again."